Sunday, 12 May 2019

A Stunner

 The moor hens chicks have hatched, the margins are full of tadpoles, spring is now well-progressed.

I seem to have caught the Carp fishing bug but not the three rods, spodding, bite alarm type of bug. As far as I'm concerned if I can't stalk them off the surface I am not interested. For that I need non-commercial peaceful venues preferably with quite a low stock and the Carp need to be stunning too.

Like last week I managed just the one fish and also like last week it was a 'twenty', this time 23lb 2oz.

And I think you will agree it is a stunner. Getting addictive this Carp fishing lark!


  1. Carp fishing can become addictive, especially when carp look that pristine.

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  3. I love that surface stalking approach to carp fishing.
