Other Stuff

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Time To Move On

Spring is definitely upon us and with it our Perch campaign has reached its conclusion with one final session at the commercial fishery that has been so kind to us over the last few weeks. With so many different species to target I find it difficult to keep fishing for the same one for more than a couple of sessions at most and Perch have now run its course as far as I am concerned, until next Winter that is. I am really pleased with how its gone, lots of fish and a new pb equates to a successful campaign.
The Daffodils in the garden have bloomed....

and lambs are being born all over the countryside including our own small flock with the first this year. The kids have named her Snowy....

thankfully she is a girl so she doesn't have to go on her 'holidays'!!!
Our feathered friends are becoming more and more active now gathering twigs and stuff for their nests and looking for suitable mates and when the fishing is slow they give quite a display which helps to pass the time.
A noisy Chaffinch...

some boisterous Ducks.....

and a distant Red Kite, the first I have seen while fishing,...

all kept me amused between bites.
Anyway back to the fishing. The active and slightly annoying Carp of last time made me think a live bait might be a good option to avoid any 'nuisance' fish so I set one rod up with a Roach hook bait and to hedge my bets I used Prawn on the other. Considering how warm the day was the Carp were conspicuous by their absence as I only landed two all day and live baiting wasn't the answer as I didn't have a single bite on that rod all day long.
Every bite I did get had me thinking Carp but when it turned into a Perch it made it all the more special and I landed two overall, no monsters but both were very welcome.
The first weighed 1lb 11oz...

and the other 1lb 13oz......

The venue we have targeted definitely has the potential to do a 'four' and the remote possibility of even a 'five' but for now that will have to wait, it is time to move on to species and pastures new.
I had quite a lot of maggots left over from the session but found some very grateful recipients, our chickens absolutely loved 'em!