Other Stuff

Saturday, 7 March 2015

More Puddle Perching

Despite the end of the river season looming ever closer still water was again my chosen venue this weekend. I guess I have been bitten by the Perch bug and so I revisited the scene of last weeks success to see if I could do battle with some more stripy predators.
The forecast was for a fairly dull overcast day but the wind soon blew away any cover and left brilliant sunshine and higher than recent temperatures. Not ideal conditions for Perch fishing. I was still very confident of catching some Perch but feared the worse. The Carp would have woken up from their Winter slumber and would beat the Perch to my Prawn hook baits.
My apprehensions were not dumbfounded as Carp after Carp proceeded to tear up the swim making my chances of a bagful of Perch unlikely.

Every time a strike connected I would play the fish ever so carefully until I got a sighting of the culprit and if that was a flash of gold then I would up the ante to try and land the fish as quickly and quietly as possible. 

They came along in all shapes and sizes up to about double figures. Mirrors, Commons, Ghosties and F1s, I lost count after ten but there was plenty more, far too many in fact for what is supposed to be a 'silver pool'. Now don't get me wrong I'm not adverse to catching 'nuisance' Carp but only when they get to a size worth chasing and these puddle pasties aren't on the list. At least they were all in excellent condition.

The ducks kept me entertained in between Carp as they are now in their beautiful majestic mating colours and were highly active chasing each other round and flying from pool to pool.

It wasn't a complete disaster on the Perch front though as I did manage to land a brace of the target species. The first one weighed just over a pound and a half and the second one a respectable 2lb 9oz. Not quite the monster of last week but it was still a satisfying moment of success.

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