Other Stuff

Thursday, 3 July 2014

A Face only a Mother Could Love

Float fishing for Barbel in fast water is a hazardous occupation fraught with danger from unseen snags and potential hook pulls and with this in mind I treated myself with a new weapon for this season in the shape of the above rod. Slightly longer than my previous Barbel rods giving that all important further reach required to control a Chubber float in turbulent swims. It also has a lot more backbone helping me bully powerful fish away from snags. but with enough give in the tip to make the fight still a pleasure. As you can probably tell I am more than pleased with it.

Sadly it did not get used to it's full capacity in my latest Summer session as the Barbel were just not where I would expect them to be, probably too early in the season and they are recovering from their spawning exertions in slower more leisurely paced water.
I worked hard and managed to avoid a blank with a solitary Chub but it was not pretty, this beggar will not be a chooser though.
A face for radio??
As always it was a pleasure to be out made even better when the sun turned the trees golden and the sky brilliant amber.

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