Other Stuff

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Puddle Perching

My first session of the New Year had to be in stillwater as the rivers were still raging torrents but they do look more fishable by the day. My target was big Perch and there are large ones rumoured to abound this local water. In previous years I have landed 'twos' but the bigger ones have eluded me, so far.
There is also a good head of Roach in this water so after I had set up a couple of Perch sleeper rods I float fished maggot to stave off boredom and the action was non stop. Nothing landed over half a pound but I enjoyed it none the less.

After a couple of hours tiddler bashing I concentrated solely on the Perch and I felt confident of landing some but a phone call cut the session short before the magic hour of dusk had arrived. The Perch record stands for another week at least!

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