Other Stuff

Friday, 9 August 2013

Barbel bonanza before breakfast

Another dawn start saw me toddling down to the Avon, this time in search of Barbel. I travelled light not even bothering to take a seat as I planned to stand in the river all morning. As usual luncheon meat was the bait but this time it was the popular (amongst anglers not sure any humans consume it!) garlic flavoured Spam. I trotted it below a two swan loafer and on the third run down I had a bite. A sluggish fight ensued and within no time at all I was slipping the net under a good fish. On the scales it scraped past the 10lb mark by a mere ounce.

An excellent start to the day and my first double of the season. I continued catching regularly after that taking a five pounder with a big paddle............

and then a six pounder................

and then followed that one with my second scraper double of the session, this time 10lb 2oz.

I remember feeling more pleased than I look!
The very next run brought another fish, this time weighing 5lb 11oz.

A quick check of my watch and it was only 8.30am. I decided it was time for a wander, tried a couple of other swims but the result was just one lost fish before I called it a day. Did see the biggest ever Duck nest though.
Not a male in sight and I don't blame them, who would want to live with nine women?!


  1. I wondered for years where all the boys were Joe, thought they all went away for the summer on a drake only bender at some distant reservoir resort...

    Then I found out they get into drag! They enter 'eclipse' plumage stage about now and look just like the ladies for a while.

    Nice bit of fishing though! Those doubles are starting to show in the fast water, at last.

  2. Garlic spam my favorite Barbel bait, Tesco often have it for a quid a tin. Top fishing Joe and the Avon does seem to be fishing well at the minute.

  3. You make it look easy Joe ....


  4. Nice pair you have there bud, well done. Early mornings was all I could manage when the kids were young mate.

  5. Great stuff Joe, I really must get myself in gear and get down there.

  6. Congratulations, very good barbel. I was fishing barbel with terrestials flies, but more Little tan yours.
