Other Stuff

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Frustrating Carp blank

This was my view for the evening, perched low behind the reeds in the only sheltered part of the pond whilst the wind ripped across the rest of the water. It was for too breezy for floater fishing on the top especially with a fly rod but if fishing wasn't a constant challenge we would soon stop coming back for more. I had a rare (of late) opportunity for a couple of hours waterside and I was not about to pass it up.
As the sun started to drop below the horizon I finally managed to get a few Carp feeding just beyond the lilly pads. The temperature dropped beyond comfortable but I stuck it out in hope that just one fish would take the fly but alas it was not to be. They sporadically took the freebies but avoided the bait, the view was nice though.

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