Other Stuff

Sunday, 3 March 2013


I will be really glad to see the back of the longest Winter ever (or so it seems) . Rain, floods, snow, floods, rain, floods, the pattern has seemed endless but there are finally some signs of spring. The Daffodils are only days away from bursting open and giving us a splash of colour, we have planted two hundred bulbs around the wife's horse field, the show should be spectacular. It's for the kids really we shall see if they appreciate it. The sun has also been coming out and the temperatures this week have been gradually improving.
On the fishing front I managed to get out for a few hours and the river looked spot on, decent clarity and I felt confident of a fish or two. However in over four hours fishing I did not muster even a bite. I tried maggot feeder, trotting, fast water, slow water and cheese paste and not a twitch. I gave up just after lunchtime.

I still had some maggots left so on the way home I dropped in at the little brook to trot the mill pool section. A big Dace was the target but I was plagued with these..........
and Chublets so I gave up and went home. The end of the season is almost upon us, one more weekend , might try for a Barbel.


  1. The barbel anglers were out in force at Lucy's Mill yesterday Joe. None had so much as tremble to show for it, then again they packed and departed before dark so no surprise there. Lucy's is an after dark venue for babs.

    I struggled like I never have with bread. Bites were twenty minutes between and really finicky. Then I had some big bites, just a few, lost a really good fish. Twenty minutes later I banked a river PB silver bream at 13 ounces, so a result at last!

    It can't get any worse. I think the fish were traumatised by the incessant floods.

    1. I agree Jeff, the fish don't know what has hit 'em, Ithink next week they will have started feeding in ernest, building up there strength before getting down to some loving! Congrats on the pb river silver, big one for any river!
