Other Stuff

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Lemington Lakes Roach

A couple of weeks ago Angling Times printed an article about an interesting control of stock at Lemington Lakes. One of the pools at this commercial fishery has undergone a five year programme of netting of stunted Roach so that the remaining stock could grow on to a size that would be of interest to specimen anglers namely over the two pound mark and approaching a colossal three pounds.
I only live about thirty minutes away yet I have never fished there. i am not sure why, it is a lovely peaceful location and the complex is immaculate if not a little too manicured.
My intention was to arrive early but that was scuppered by a late night playing pool (and drinking) I eventually got there mid morning and was surprised but pleased to find I had the whole complex to myself. I popped in the on site cafe/tackle shop, which is also too clean, to get a ticket and some advice on the hot Roach pegs. The lady gave me a map, whilst pointing me in the right direction and also imparting some interesting information on some possible summer Crucians. The best pegs also happened to be the most exposed part of the Cotswolds. I needed to be and was well dressed, multiple layers, double long johns, woolly hat, snood etc and I needed it.
I plumbed up an insert waggler to float fish close in and I also set up a feeder rod with black cap feeder and helicopter rig.
There was a gale force wind blasting across from left to right and I struggled to stop the float from drifting into the edge. I gave up after an hour and changed that rod to a helicopter also.
Eventually the repeated casting of he feeders attracted fish and I had a hook up. The fight was so nondescript I thought it was a Bream but was pleasantly surprised when a nice Perch popped to the surface.
1lb 3oz
Whenever I fish for Perch I struggle or fail so maybe I need to target Roach more often to catch more stripy Sergeants!
Like buses a second fish immediately followed this time the target species but not of the size the article promised. 

I had another small one before landing one of a much more interesting size. 
1lb 4oz
Not a 'two' but it was evidence of the potential for a monster. I fished on for a bit, took one more Roach (small) before the wind managed to break through my layers and attack the bone.
I will be back for another go soon.


  1. The Lemington Lakes problem — wind! It was windy there every time I've ever been and there's just no escaping it, is there? The roach are a good stamp though and I once had five over a pound on caster before the carp crashed the swim and destroyed it. If it wasn't for them...

    1. No, you're right jeff, have you had a go for the crucians there?

  2. What ever you do don't weigh them in a plastic bag. Jeff was told in no uncertain manner ''it's not the way to do it''. We were both taken aback by it, He had apoint though as he had seen people use a dry bag and thought Jeff's was also (it wasn't). Very windy there mate but if your a fat geezer like who Jeff says I is, you don't feel it. There are a few nice perch there too.

  3. One to add to the list Joe but not for the foreseeable...30mph+ gusts for next 5 days & barely above freezing...no, time to seek out a nice high banked area well below the wind blowing overhead. When you're not built like brick chicken house but more like a plucked chicken (me) doesn't pay to sit in a gale even when big roach are the order of the day! Thanks for the write-up, most informative and some immaculate fish there!

  4. Hmmmmm..... Lake Roach, something I haven't caught in a long time and wow that Roach is very silvery is the entire stamp that colour? Do you know if there are any 2 lb + red fins?

    1. The smaller ones had a stunning blue hue to their backs, very pretty, apparently they go to we'll over two!

  5. Hi fished lamington lakes in july on a warm evening, pole fished 6mm hard pellet shallow
    looking to hook one of the big carp basking near top of water. Two mins before packing up float
    buried nice small carp I fought to my surprise roach of 2lb 10oz. fish of a life time. Just shows you
    spent previous two days on worm caster and maggot trying to tempt oer of these large roach and caught everything but

    1. I might have to get up there and give it another go this Winter, will pick a calmer day though!!
