Other Stuff

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Trip 'oop North'

This weekend the wife and I took the kids to visit the old folks in Yorkshire but I still found room in the schedule for a fishing session and also room in the boot for some fly gear. Last year I had had a successful session at Bellflask lake so I decided to revisit the former gravel pit for another bash. Upon arrival I sought out the owner to pay. He informed me that the fishery was closed due to the gravel track leading up to the fishery having some work done to it and also normally he only takes telephone bookings. Having said that he would still let me fish this time 'but dan't fell in thare lad, nay'un to rescue ya, ya got t'hole lake to theeself'-result! I quizzed him about the Pike I had heard about that roam the crystal clear depths and could I have a go for them but only he is allowed to fish for them, the biggest he has had weighed 43lb! Going to have to keep working on him for some of that!
I started out on the spit, the old roadway for the gravel trucks that used to remove the Yorkshire stone, this is central to the lake and gives a large area to fish. Lures were to be my first line of attack and I had the occasional follow but only one take where the hook pulled. The sun dipped in and out of the clouds and a breeze started to pick up so I decided on a move into the sheltered bay opposite. I persevered with the lures trying Ugly Buggers, Dancers, Critters, Lead Bugs and Humungus Whites but the Trout were being lazy, sometimes following slowly but never taking. It was beginning to get frustrating. A change of plan was required.
The odd fish was topping but there was little fly life. I looked for what they could be eating and the only thing creature I could find was tiny white midges. Having searched through my box I picked out a small white dry fly, a grey duster I think. On it went. First cast and I missed a take, then nothing. After about half an hour I put the rod down, reached for my box and suddenly the line tightened catching me totally by surprise. Panic set in when I realised the trailing line was round my boot, I slackened off, untangled myself and pulled tight, luckily the fish was still on. In the clear water the hard fighting Trout gave me a nervous runaround but finally it slid over the net and the blank was avoided.
A full tailed plump Rainbow of about 2lb, shame I did not see the take!
I was on a three fish ticket but at bellflask you can practice catch and release so I did,  plenty of Trout in the freezer anyway.
I fished on, found a shoal of Perch but could not tempt them to take a fly before it was home time. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice session Joe, I havent caught a Rainbow in years.

