Other Stuff

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Catching is just a bonus!

My last chance for a mid-week evening foray due to the nights drawing in and the pool league starting again next week. I only allow myself one night out during the week, not fair on 'er indoors to have the daily battle that we call 'kid's bedtime' on her own every night! It is a question of balance and fairness and she does let me get away with a fair bit!
I fancied a change from the river so I grabbed the fly rod and dog biscuits and went in search of Carp. They had not read the script and I blanked but the close quarter sighting of three big muntjac on the path down to the pool(they vanished before I could get the camera out) plus this spectacular sunset made the evening enjoyable.

The sun sets across Stubb's pool.

Sometimes just being out in the countryside is enough!

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