Other Stuff

Saturday, 22 September 2012

A Trotting and Fly-fishing mixture

Size 8 barbless hook to 8lb hook link, swivel, loafer and 10lb mainline-works for me
I just couldn't make my mind up what to fish for this weekend or where to go so I decided to have a couple of mini sessions, the morning chasing Barbel on the river and the afternoon fly fishing for Carp.
I have really enjoyed trotting for Barbel with luncheon meat and been pretty successful doing it so when on my first run through I struck into a fish I thought that it was going to be a bumper session. The fish was no monster so I did a quick self take, didn't bother checking it and put the fish straight back, thinking there was bigger to follow.
Not weighed
A blurred photo was the result and captor not looking at the camera, poor effort!
I fished on for about an hour with no bites so decided on a roam. The second swim I tried has a large overhanging tree which when trotting is no problem apart from on the retrieve when it seems to grab hold of the tackle whilst reeling in. The solution is to wade out which I did, nothing took the bait but I did get a fright when I looked down to see a Pike eyeing me up from about three feet away. It watched me for a good ten minutes before it decided that I was too big to eat and sloped off to find a smaller snack.
The river is very low and clear at present and the fish that I spotted along the stretch seemed very spooky and skittish. That's my excuse for not catching more. It is amazing the lack of water considering the summer? we have had.
In the afternoon came the change of tactics and although the temperature was not high and there was little sun I got the fly rod and dog biscuits out down at Stubb's pool. It took ages to get anything interested but eventually a few Carp started sipping freebies off the surface. I waited so long for a take when it eventually came my reactions were miles away and I missed it. It turned out to be the only take of the day.
Eight hours fishing and the only capture was first cast. I have been playing with the camera quite a lot lately, trying different settings and stuff and I took this photo of a swan which I am quite proud of.
What do you think?

Sunday, 16 September 2012

A better class of fishing truck

'Er Indoors has been on a funny one lately, she said that she didn't mind me going fishing for a second day running! There must be something in the offing but not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth I jumped at the chance. Having spent all day yesterday staring at a float and needing a change from all the recent Barbelling I have been doing I grabbed the fly gear and pointed the car to Oxfordshire. There is something civilised in the lack of tackle needed to fly fish. I took my work car because there is no smelly nets involved and raced down to Lechlade. I had set off late after enjoying a lie in, no rush, there would be plenty of swims available, unlike the river.
It is wonderful chopping and changing flies, casting to visible fish in the crystal clear waters and watching the reactions of monster Rainbows to each offering I amateurishly tossed their way. Within an hour I suckered one in to taking a gold headed red lure type fly and my confidence soared. A spirited fight on the wippy rod followed and just as my arm began to ache the fish tired and slid into the net. A nice bow weighing 5lb 6oz.
I only ever buy a two fish ticket as I am not that confident of hooking the full four but at this point I was thinking 'easy easy' and wondered if I was going to regret my lack of self belief.
With my next attempted cast I tried to get it out that bit too far and instead caught the tree behind. I pulled carefully but lost the fly, too high up to reach. I went on to try every bit of fluff in the box and although I had a few follows they turned off at the last moment every time. It became frustrating but still enjoyable. Thank goodness I stuck to the two fish ticket. Just the one was it then which has now been gutted and Uncle Dave and Aunty Maureen will have for their tea.
It's another world this fly fishing lark, look at what some chap drives to the lake!

Silver Change

This morning I set off with big Perch in mind. I took loads of bait: maggots, dendroboena, lobworms and prawns. My tactics were Prawn on the float rod and a sleeper rod with lobworm on a low resistance rig. I baited continuously throughout the day to attract small fry to the areas and the big Perch would follow them and fancy a seafood appetiser or wriggly treat. All good in theory but the Perch didn't follow the script.
The sun came out and made it warm and bright, not classic Perch conditions so I moved to the shaded area behind the island. It sort of worked in that I found fish that were willing to feed just not the target species. I finished the afternoon with several Roach, Tench, baby Perch and Silver Bream up to a pb equalling 12oz.

I did not know they were in this particular pond but I would guess they could grow to a decent size in here, well at least to over a pound! On my return I think they will be the target.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Catching is just a bonus!

My last chance for a mid-week evening foray due to the nights drawing in and the pool league starting again next week. I only allow myself one night out during the week, not fair on 'er indoors to have the daily battle that we call 'kid's bedtime' on her own every night! It is a question of balance and fairness and she does let me get away with a fair bit!
I fancied a change from the river so I grabbed the fly rod and dog biscuits and went in search of Carp. They had not read the script and I blanked but the close quarter sighting of three big muntjac on the path down to the pool(they vanished before I could get the camera out) plus this spectacular sunset made the evening enjoyable.

The sun sets across Stubb's pool.

Sometimes just being out in the countryside is enough!