Other Stuff

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Slow start to my career as a fishing guide

Sun setting over the Warks Avon
My guiding service will have to remain cheap, free in fact until it improves significantly. This week I have had two sessions with new angling friends and both have blanked despite considerable effort on all fronts.
On Wednesday evening I met up with Jim. Jim has been fishing Stubb's Pool midweek while I have been fly fishing for Carp. He has also been after the Carp and last I week I photographed a cracking 16 pounder for him. We chatted a bit and talk turned to Barbel, he fancied a go for them having only caught one small one previously so I offered to give him a few pointers on one of my favourite stretches.I showed my rig, method and bait, let him choose which swim he wanted and told him where the fish were likely to be. I dropped in the next swim. It was fairly quiet until dusk started to fall then I had the first take and after a cracking fight I landed a small Barbel.
I thought it was much bigger until it was in the net. Twenty minutes later the rod buckled and the reel screamed and I was in again. Another great fight and another Barbel landed, this time a much better fish weighing 8lb 8oz.
8lb 8oz
Sadly that was all the action, an enjoyable session but a shame that it was a blank for Jim.

Session Two

My next door neighbours have an eldest son who has lived in Australia for the last 28+years, since he was 18 years old. He was born in England but speaks with a broad Aussie accent. His name is Bruce!!-brilliant!
A keen fisherman Bruce so we met in the pub last week and arranged a day out on the Avon. I figured that a day spent behind motionless rods probably wouldn't be his bag so we decided to lure fish for Pike.
Big Bruce 

Friday was clear and sunny and I knew it would be tricky but I thought we would catch something, we blanked. Miles of riverbank were trodden in search of old Esox, every lure in the box was cast but we ended with a couple of follows from small Perch and that was it.
Strewth-being a fishing guide is harder than I first thought!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Joe,
    Great to see you are trying your hand at somthing different as a Guide, I do a little myself but i do a lot of pre-baiting where i take people and i dont know if youve done or thought of this but it really does help, They are great Barbel you are catching so well done,
    And good luck for your future outings lets hope the people you take can bag up,
