Other Stuff

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Kingfisher Trout

The river has been a very cruel mistress of late so I decided to play away from home this week and I pulled a couple of times. A quick internet search and I found Kingfisher Trout lake, a picturesque spring-fed lake just outside Bromyard, virgin territory.
I am still very much a novice with a fly rod so upon arrival I asked the boss lady what flies were working and if there were any hotspots. She said buzzers on a slow retrieve were good and that Boobies and Wagglers were banned. I assured her that I would keep my Boobies covered up and that I had no idea what a waggler was so probably did not have any.
I left the lodge none the wiser and headed for a quiet corner out of the way. Not because I thought the fish would be hiding there but so I could get my casting up to scratch before coming out in the open.
A couple of hours later I moved spots and having tried many different flies during the morning I finally had a take on a daddy long legs-a-like. I landed my first Kingfisher Rainbow weighing 2lb exactly and followed it up with a 1lb 9oz fish not long after.
I carried on thrashing the water to foam for a while after missed a couple of rises and went home content with a brace. Max helped me clean and gut them, in fact I think he enjoyed it!?


  1. Some great place to fish there Joe and a brace is excelent work, Thing that amazed me is just how big the trout are when they are on the tray,
    Hehe the young man looks hungry haha
    Well done,

  2. Thanks for following me. Your blog is very, very good/ I found it interesting re the fish you have caught, it kind of puts my PB's in perspective. Although barbel and carp are the only fish I seem to go for exclusively. Would you like to share links mate? I would be happy to put a link up to your blog if you would do the same? The members you have is incredible for the amount of page views. Thanks and let me know. Thanks again.

