Other Stuff

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Still Rolling, Rolling, Rolling.

It may be making my blog posts monotonous but I don't care, I am completely addicted to rolling meat down fast swims for Barbel. It is a devastating tactic and it amuses me to see loads of other anglers sat behind lifeless stationary ledger rods. I popped down to the river tonight for a couple of hours literally and came away with two Chub and two Barbel. The biggest fish was nailed on the first cast of the session and weighed 9lb 2oz.
Must get some sleep now because I am getting up early tomorrow for another fix. Hopelessly addicted!


  1. You're on agreat run Joe. Must give it a try when I'm back mobile.

  2. Joe, I say if it works, do break it?

  3. Well Joe i thought by the title you were going to give us a rendition of RawHide, Some top fishing there Joe, Theres not many fishermen nowadays trotting the bait down streem and as you have shown trotting is still doing the busines,
    Well pleased for you,
