Other Stuff

Sunday, 8 May 2011

The Tench are putting on weight.

8lb 13oz
My blog is getting a bit monotonous but I make no apologies for being determined to get the bigger Tench. I am desperate for a double and have been for a couple of years since catching a 9lb 13oz specimen. We are at the time of year when they pack on the weight and the above fish was the largest of the session weighing 8lb 13oz. It was one of eleven fish totalling a combined weight of over 70lb. Three eights, four sevens, a six and three fives, a quality days fishing in very changeable weather. This was my first ever day session where I have put a bivvy up but felt it necessary due to the forecast of thunder storms, wind and rain. In the end it turned out fine but not until I had had a thorough soaking. 
I should move on to different species but maybe just one more session for the Tincas, will decide in the week.
8lb 10oz