Other Stuff

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Floater Carp, Stubb's Pool

This glorious spell of weather continues unabated so with a few hours late afternoon at my disposal I headed back to Stubb's Pool armed with just one rod and a tub of flavoured floaters. The water was crystal clear and the prolific weed growth was plain to see but I was determined to play the fish hard and fast and avoid a repeat of the 'big one that got away' that left me gutted the other night. 
It took me a while to get them going but eventually they noticed the treats drifting over their heads and they starting slurping them up mostly in the corner where the breeze pushed them. The problem with this corner is that it is choked with weed. I do hope the BAA clear it as it says on their website. 
The first one hooked and landed was the 9lb 9oz Common (above) and what a fight it gave me as it charged at every patch of weed in sight. 
About 3/4 of an hour later I landed another golden Common of 13lb 2oz and then finally a pretty looking Mirror of 7lb 10oz.
I wasn't the only person surface fishing there today. A couple of lads were fishing what they called beachcaster style. Rods high in the air line not touching the water at all to a pike float and then down to a lead. There is then a small piece of line hanging off the main line to the bait which is just touching the water. It did not look cricket it to me, I could see the reason why but pike floats and leads for floater fishing? I'll stick to delicate presentation and a bit of finesse. They blanked anyway so that made me smile!!


  1. John.

    I took my best this season off the top 28 lb nothing like it on 9lb line. Fish took 100 yeards on the first rush. Belting fish you have there, well done buddy.
