Other Stuff

Monday, 3 January 2011

Chub, Warks Avon.

Most of the snow melt is out of the river and it looks perfect but looks can be deceptive. A difficult long day but I was pleased with a brace of Chub. I did expect a lot more but maybe the river or the fish take a lot longer to recover than anticipated. It has been cold for a very long time.
I headed for my Chub banker swim and it did not let me down. Cheese paste did the trick as ever and I was the only angler of five using it today and the other four all banked so maybe I had a lucky choice.
The Chub weighed 3lb 13oz and 3lb 10oz.


  1. Chub juggler!

    That is one great self-timer self-take shot there, my friend!

    Like myself you are obviously a student of the great JW, Lord of the Art.


  2. Thanks David, I am fond of a nice pair.
    Jeff, I will just say it was third time lucky to get the pic, if you look at my jacket you can tell I struggled to get them to sit still! also the mud in the background was all over my kecks, messy job but hopefully worth it in the end. I am more confident with the self timer than giving it to someone else to take the pic. The number of times.....

  3. Yep, all my successful self takes are third time lucky! It may look easy but it ain't easy at all. Pike are buggers, zander worse, roach are quite obliging, grayling? ffing impossible!

    What you now need is a brace of sixes to test your mettle...!


  4. Would love that, would be a hell of a feat from the Avon!
