Other Stuff

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Pike and Zander, Warks Avon.

The Warks Avon is still unbelieveably clear for the time of year and coupled with the gale force wind made for a difficult session at Fladbury Mill. A blank was avoided but in unusual and controversial circumstances. This 12lb Pike was landed with none of my trebles in its mouth but it did have some one else's hooks in it's stomach. The braid from the end of that trace had wrapped around my trace and this had been strong enough for me to land it, despite our lad's best attempts to knock it off! He got my trebles caught in his net and I then had to use my net to land it-farce.
So does she count or not? My theory is the Pike took my Roach dead bait, then it came loose and caught around the trace at a later date, so counts. Our lad does not agree and just thinks I am a jammy get and it should not count. Just because he blanked. 
What is strange is that the very next day I landed a Pike with a treble in it's stomach and the same green braid line hanging off the end. Smaller fish and from a spot 10 miles away. Hopefully just a coincidence and nothing more sinister. Do not like catching Pike with hooks already in them!


  1. Love your blog. Such a wide variety of fish! Keep up the good work, I'll be back often.

  2. Alright Joe, I hope you managed to remove the other hooks okay. I recently caught a 17lb pike with someone else's treble in its throat but with no wire trace or line coming from it. Luckily I managed to remove it without any fuss and I'm sure the fish will have plenty of years ahead of her. I know sometimes these things happen through freak occurences or unfortunate line breakages but it still sickens me when I find a treble left in a fish. All we can do is educate anglers to use strong tackle when pike fishing and preach that they must learn how to handle and unhook them before they try to catch them on their own. Anyway, keep it up, a river double is always a spectacular fish. In my opinion no pike fights harder than good one from flowing water
