Other Stuff

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Carp, Stubb's Pool

A beautiful sunny day at last after the longest winter ever. Stubb's pool lost a lot of fish in the great flood of 2007 but there are still some left and they are pretty but difficult fish to catch. They do have a slight weakness though and that is flavoured dog biscuit or pedigree chum mixer. 
 A chilly morning was spent flogging away with Boilies to no avail and fighting off the cold because I dug the shorts out too early. Once the water heated up and the wind dropped the action became hectic with all fish coming within an hour and a half of each other. 
First to fall was a 9lb 10oz Common.
Followed by the biggest of the day, this 13lb 6oz Common.

Next a 7lb 10oz Mirror.

And finally a stunning 9lb 2oz Ghost.

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