Other Stuff

Friday, 1 January 2010


A warm welcome to my angling diary and a happy new year to all. I am using this diary to keep a record of all my angling trips(including any blanks!) both for my own reference and hopefully for the entertainment of others. It will be an honest and open account of the highs and the lows of my 2010 fishing year and also the tactics used and the venues visited.

I will give you a bit of background about myself. I like to think of myself as an all round angler but admit to barely fly fishing. I caught the fishing bug at the age of eleven but as is typical of lots of young men, found pubs and girls were good at the age of 16 and fishing took a back seat for 14 years. Four and a half years ago the addiction was re-ignited and the flames have billowed ever since.
I am married with a three year old girl and a new born son and work full-time so am restricted on time but will venture out once a week. I am also the Chairman of a 'fun' fishing club which has a specimen fishing competition amongst other things and that is what I like to do best, catch big fish.All details at www.fleeceanglingclub.co.uk

2010 is going to be an interesting year for me, juggling fishing around a wife and two kids for a start, and also trying to achieve all the targets we anglers always set ourselves. My ambitions for this year are a 20lb Pike, an English Catfish and a Spanish 100lber, a 10lb Tench, 14lb Barbel and a 2lb Roach. Sounds like a lot but we have to aim high(and keep it almost achieveable).

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