Other Stuff
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Fish-Filled Fun but Frustrating.
Commercial Fisheries, I am not their biggest fan, too sterile and manufactured for my liking but they can be a bit of fun as a change of scenery. My intention was to target the big Roach that grow to over two pounds in the immaculately presented Lemington Lakes Abbey pool. The attack was two pronged, a delicate float fished about a rod length out feeding chopped worm and caster with a small section of worm as bait and a 'sleeper' rod again with chopped worm in a swimfeeder cast along the margins.
First two fish landed were both Roach and I thought I'd cracked it but then came a problem, stunted Perch, bloody hundreds of them. I couldn't keep the baits in the water long enough to catch anything else. Time for a rethink. The feeder was chucked out towards the deeper water and I stopped feeding worm to the float and changed the hook bait to caster. It seemed to work.
I still caught the occasional Perch but the average size increased and also everything else had a chance to snaffle the baits.
Every time the float went under or the alarms beeped I hoped for a big Roach. I have never experienced so much disappointment in one single day as I landed loads of Carp to 10lb 9oz......
Roach to a respectable 1lb 3oz but no biggie........
Bream to 4lb 8oz and a 1lb 9oz hybrid.....
Perch to 15oz and Rudd to 12 ounces.
A fish filled fun but frustrating day.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
What a Difference a Week Makes...
Fishing can be the cruelest of mistresses sometimes!
Following last weeks hugely successful Tench session I headed back to Linear this time with Martin in tow. Excitement was high with the prospect of a few big Tench pulling our strings and armed with worms we felt that we could not fail, but fail we did.
The conditions seemed perfect, Tench rolled in the swim most of the morning but the alarms stayed silent, deafeningly silent. We worked hard baiting up at regular intervals, tactics that have worked dozens of times for me in the past but the fish just hadn't read the script.
We were sent home with our tails firmly between our legs and my personal quest for a double figure Tench continues.....
Friday, 1 May 2015
The Little Tincas (and Big Ones!)
Three weeks ago I prematurely started my Tench campaign but that session ended with a big fat blank, the fish just hadn't switched on at all due to the cold water temperature. That previous session was preceded by a week of glorious sunshine but large gravel pits take more than just a few nice days to warm up such is their expanse and depth.
This week we have endured a kind of cold snap and I must admit I did think twice about going 'Tenching' but in the end I am extremely glad I took the chance. The Northeasterly gale was bitter for most of the day and necessitated three jumpers but when I put my hands in the water it actually warmed them up. Amazing the difference between the two worlds above and below the surface.
Linear fisheries is busy at the worst of times so with a bank holiday weekend approaching I knew I would have to get there early to secure a decent area. Having pulled up in the car park just after opening time I took a little meander to see what was available. A Carp angler was stood in the second swim, bucket in hand(they use these to save a swim, a tactic I abhor!) Never mind he was a friendly chap and when I told him I had come for the Tench he informed that two had rolled in a matter of minutes in that very swim.
"Are you gonna fish this spot then?" I tentatively enquired.
"No, I think I will keep looking further around".
Told you he was friendly. It is no exaggeration when I say I ran to the car and grabbed my tackle quicker than ever before.
The rods were already set up from the last session so within minutes I was fishing. My tactics for Tench are always the same, feeder fishing with regular casting dictated by the clock.
To begin with I recast every twenty minutes aiming at the same certain trees each time on the far horizon. This slows down to every thirty minutes after a while until the Tench arrive scenting a meal to their liking.
It is hard work but the rewards can be a lot of fun.
The buzzers gave the odd beep indicating line bites or finicky takes until finally at about 11.15am I hooked my first Tench. The fight was scrappy making me think it was a male. With the fish still about twenty yards out the other indicator burst into life. At first I thought I had crossed lines but the buzzer just kept going and going, double hook-up!
It is really off putting playing one fish know another is flying across the lake with no-one to stop its progress. I eventually bundled the male in the net, guessed it to weigh about six pounds and leapt across to the still beeping other rod. Amazingly the fish was still on, not snagged but it had swam somewhere beyond the horizon. The fight was much more laborious, obviously a female that had used most of its energy getting as far away from me as it could. I managed to net her alongside the other one and she completely dwarfed her male counterpart. I knew straight away it was a big fish.
With them both on the mat the hooks were removed and because of her size she saved her boyfriend from having a weigh-in. The friendly Carp angler had now rejoined me in the swim and seemed a bit jealous when the needle pulled down to 9lb 5oz. Not only had I (sort of) nabbed his swim but I then cajoled him into taking the photos. I owe him a pint or two whoever he is!
A rare opportunity for a 15lb brace shot but they were too slippery for me to do it properly.
What followed next was a mad hour when I couldn't keep all the rods in the water at the same time.
Next up was a big 8lb 10oz Male....
Closely followed by a 'seven'....
Then an 8lb 8oz female...
and a 7lb 6oz.
It was almost a relief when a period of inactivity followed. I still worked hard keeping the feed going in just in case I could entice one or two more fish to the bank, I am glad I did. A screaming run followed by a decent battle saw me land the biggest fish of the day all 9lb 7oz of stunning female Tench. In a few weeks this fish will fulfil my holy grail, weighing well into double figures. I have now caught thirty Tench over nine pounds without a single double! Surely it is just a matter of time(or timing).
There was still time for two more smaller males and I left at 3.30pm satisfied with a great days fishing. Nine Tench for over 70lb and as a bonus it was free because the bailiff never came to see me. Doesn't get much better than that!
Plenty of time left to walk the dog!