Other Stuff
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Carp, Twyford Pool
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Roach, Linear
No one told the fish though! A whole morning and most of the afternoon fishing chopped worm and feeder and not a single fish, or bite even. I started the session thinking Roach and gradually thinking Tench, Perch, Bream anything! I would have been happy with a bootlace Eel but sadly it was not to be.
Still if you are going to blank then at least do it in a peaceful corner of countryside in the sunshine!
Monday, 15 March 2010
Roach, Willow Farm Fishery
At last some settled warmer weather, just as the season closes! Time to move on to the stillwaters and Roach to begin with. A day at Willow Farm fishery following a cold night but the guarantee of some fish. Maggot, caster and worm was to be the bait with float and bolt rigs the approach. The overnight low temperature put paid to a fast and furious session but a slow steady succession of bites was had and the keepnet held about a dozen fish. A solitary Tench of about 2lb put up an excellent fight on the light line and a heavily pregnant Perch was returned immediately. The biggest and only weighed fish of the session was this 12oz Roach.